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Weekly Update – January 9, 2020

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Hello Church Family,

New City Catechism Question 17
   What is idolatry?
   Idolatry is trusting in created things rather than the Creator for our hope and happiness, significance and security.
   Tim Keller writes that idolatry is what happens when good things become ultimate things. The danger with idolatry is that it can grow unnoticed in our hearts before eventually erupting into visible sin. An example that he gave was the desire for financial success. A person could be tempted to neglect friends and family on their way to the top. Such unseen sins may eventually lead to someone cheating or lying to get their way. In this way the idolatrous sins of the heart are unnoticed until either God graciously reveals the sin to us, or if that doesn’t happen, something worse and visible comes to pass. Another example would be the Old Testament nation of Israel. Long before they visibly bowed down before idols, in their hearts they had stopped trusting in God. Lord help us to recognize and repent from our idolatrous ways!

Mini Youth: starts again this Friday night from 6:00-7:00pm at the church.

Sunday School: starts again Sunday at 9:30am at the church.

Prayer Meeting: Wednesday, January 15, 7:30pm at the church.

Brief Congregational Meeting: Sunday, January 19 after church. We need to elect people to the nominating committee who will nominate elders to serve the church for the next year. The committee will then set a time to meet. 

Congregational Meeting: Thursday, January. 23, 7:30pm at the church. Representatives from the Alliance Office in Calgary will be present to discuss matters with you. This is a follow up to the December 11 meeting. 

Crafty Saturday: January 25 from 10:00-4:00pm at the church.