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Weekly Update – September 13, 2019

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Hello Church Family,

This Sunday is our Sunday School Kickoff Cereal Buffet. It starts at 9:30am. Bring your favorite cereal to share. The church will provide the milk.

Tuesday night is the baby shower for Gabriel Duffin. 7:00pm at the church.

Wednesday night is the resumption of our regular church prayer meetings. We will meet on the first and third Wednesdays of the month. 7:30pm – 8:30pm. It is a great blessing to pray with one another. I hope you can join us.

VBS – CEF worker. Until the end of September we will be accepting designated offerings for Shena, the CEF worker who led our VBS time. If you’d like to recognize her work with kids this summer please indicate so on your offering. Thank you!

Speaking of children, I have just completed my Plan to Protect training. We need all of our adult volunteers who work with kids to complete this training.

Our Mission Focus this month is Home of Hope. Let’s pray that they are able to share the gospel and provide the resources needed for people to become self-sufficient.